Dalje ruke od Lovćena!
Za Antenu M piše: Prof. dr Milorad Nikčević
Još novi pobjednici i oslobodioci nijesu preuzeli ključeve vlasti, a njihov duhovni mentor užurbano grabi da dovrši svoj projekat trodecenijskoga uništavanja Crne Gore. Pošto je prethodno pripremio teren među zbunjenim građanima i ubijedio ih da je pravoslavlje u Crnoj Gori ugroženo, da će se crkve pretvarati u objekte profane djelatnosti i sl., nakalemio je svetosavlje kao oblik srpskoga naci-fašizma, poturio im Nikolaja Velimirovića kao duhovnoga učitelja a popa Macu kao sveca, izdaju mitropolita Joanikija kao svetačko podvižništvo, sad konačno čeka na podršku buduće zvanične vlasti koja će mu ozakoniti nacionalnu izdaju za patriotizam.
Oči će međunarodne javnosti zamazati činjenicom da to ovoga puta ne sprovodi pod stražom Arkana i njegovih ratnih zlikovaca, četničkoga vojvode Šešelja, balkanskoga kasapina Miloševića no uz podršku izdajnika crnogorskoga suverenizma Miodraga Perovića i njegovih medijskih i inih lažova i uz podršku jednoga Albanca kojemu je mržnja prema Milu Đukanoviću zaslijepila i vid i razum. Za izdajnika Miodraga Perovića povratka nema. Što god posad uradio, njegovo je mjesto na sramotnim stranicama istorije, rame uz rame s Andrijom Radovićem, Markom Dakovićem, a ako podura u svome naumu i odriješi svoju tajkunsku ćesu – posthumno ga zasigurno čeka jedno mjesto među Amfilohijevim novomučenicima okupljenim na skarednoj ikoni u čijem je centru Joanikije Lipovac.
Za mladoga Dritana Abazovića još ima nade. Ima je – još svega nekoliko neđelja. Kao doktor politikologije mora znati da Crna Gora nije Milo Đukanović, kao što Crna Gora nije bila ni Slavko Perović. Crna je Gora mjesto koje je bilo pribježište svakoga slobode željnoga, mjesto rezervisano za onoga što bježi a ne za onoga što ćera. Dritan Abazović mora zatvoriti vrata ratnim profiterima, kriminalcima, negatorima crnogorskih građanskih vrijednosti, crnim kapama što pokrivaju najcrnju svijest koju je Evropa proćerala u Drugome svjetskom ratu.
Dritan želi ekspertsku Vladu. Ima šansu i da je formira, ali ne s četnicima i kriptočetnicima. Može je formirati s ekspertima kojima je Crna Gora vazda bila glavna svetinja – a takve će naći i među manjinama i među većinom, naći će takve i u DPS-u, ali ih neće naći među onima što za savjet i blagoslov idu kod Amfilohija.
Kao čovjek na pragu devete decenije, kao čovjek koji je – iako iz inostranstva – svu svoju radnu energiju i znanje utrošio na promociju Crne Gore, ne mogu skriti očaj prateći dešavanja u Crnoj Gori, čitajući ogavne tekstove o crnogorskoj mladosti koja se bila okupila na Trgu nezavisnosti u Podgorici, ogavne komentare na tekstove onih mladih crnogorskih građana čijom bi se stručnošću i patriotizmom dičila koja drago razvijena evropska zemlja.
Dok oslobodioci slave, njihov duhovni mentor iz Cetinjskoga manastira, sramotno okupiranoga više no jedan vijek, sprovodi posljednje radove svoga zločinačkog nauma. Ne sprema on samo odgovor na nedavnu cetinjsku poruku da na Cetinju nema šetnje. On oštri davno spremljen nož da ga zabije u srce Crne Gore najavljenom izgradnjom svetosavske crkve na najvažnijem crnogorskom vrhu – na Lovćenu.
Crkva na Rumiji, za koju odlazeća vlast nije pokazala smjelost ni snagu da je ukloni i time tvrdo stane iza proklamovane građanske Crne Gore, bila je Amfilohijeva generalna proba za definitivnu srbizaciju crnogorske države. Zato on hita da ugrabi i dosanja svoj ovozemaljski san. No vara se grdno morački monstrum, kako ga nazva akademik Vukić Pulević, ako misli da će mu Cetinjani i Crnogorci dozvoliti da rani i ubije Lovćen.
Probao je to i jedan oslobodilac prije njega, ali mu nije bilo duga vijeka. Vara se grdno ako misli da će Crna Gora puštiti nikad neokaljano Cetinje i Lovćen da ukalja izgradnjom fašističkih pseudoreligijskih bastiona četništva i velikosrpstva. Svaki samosvjesni Crnogorac i svaki samosvjesni građanin Crne Gore zna kako se mora braniti Lovćen. I braniće ga, Amfilohije Radoviću, ne samo ona mladost okupljena na podgoričkome Trgu nezavisnosti no i moja generacija, branićemo ga i mi što nam je u ovim godinama još jedino to ostalo – da branimo Crnu Goru. A onda ćemo spokojno leći u slobodnu podlovćensku zemlju koja ne prima izdajnike.
Dalje ruke od Lovćena, izdajniče!
573 Komentara
Wrvvbeaky Postavljeno 29-10-2024 14:53:53
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Odgovori ⇾Wrvvbeaky Postavljeno 29-10-2024 14:53:45
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Odgovori ⇾Wrvvbeaky Postavljeno 29-10-2024 11:51:24
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 22:24:41
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 22:24:34
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 18:46:09
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 18:46:03
Other people inhale the airborne virus and can become infected. Searching for benefits of tadalafil illegally. Autoimmune diseases People with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can develop hemolytic anemia.
Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 16:21:44
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Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 16:21:36
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Odgovori ⇾Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 16:21:29
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Odgovori ⇾Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 16:21:20
Make a selection below to start matching symptoms with possible causes Medical Reviewer: All content has been reviewed by board-certified physicians under the direction of Cynthia Haines, MD. Great facts about ED at vardenafil vs sildenafil headaches concerning ED management kit. Free shipping now! D Associate Professor Equine Extension Specialist Department of Animal ScienceEquine herpesvirus infections have been highlighted in many news articles since they are very common in horse populations.
Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 08:46:51
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Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 08:46:41
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Odgovori ⇾Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 08:46:30
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Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 00:02:32
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Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 00:02:25
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 00:02:13
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 00:02:06
Alternatively, for women who are still menstruating, surgery to remove the ovaries, radiation to destroy them, or drugs to inhibit their activity such as buserelin, goserelin, or leuprolide may be used to stop estrogen production. You can search any drug online when you want to tadalafil versus sildenafil at any time. Lauren My boyfriend and I have sex on a regular basis, I have a iud, and have had a shot called lupron about two months ago..
Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 20:07:02
What can you do to prevent cervical cancer? Make sure that when you can you mix tadalafil and sildenafil Visit today. My period is 1-3 days late.
Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 20:06:56
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 20:06:38
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 20:06:31
For example, your cancer may be staged as T2N1M0. Has your tadalafil troche can cause you many problems. Back to TopOutlook Prognosis It's possible to prevent rabies if immunization is given soon after the bite.
Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 23:29:07
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Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 23:29:03
While psychiatric training programs often focus on psychopharmacology treatment using psychiatric drugs , many also have training in providing psychotherapy including cognitive-behavioral therapy. Instead of inconvenient traveling, sildenafil drug class . Get one now! A sleep specialist can evaluate your symptoms and help you find an effective treatment.
Odgovori ⇾Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 23:28:49
Ronaliya Hi i have irregular periods…i missed my period las mth d end of june…i had unprotected sex for the week from11th of july…i startd hvin cramps which i dont hav when i am on my periods, i am going off regular and sometimes constipated, my nipples hurt…am i pregnant? Check out how much you can save on sildenafil and alcohol with wholesale discounts Because CIV is a relatively new virus, most dogs have not been exposed to it before.
Odgovori ⇾Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 23:28:44
Ronaliya Hi i have irregular periods…i missed my period las mth d end of june…i had unprotected sex for the week from11th of july…i startd hvin cramps which i dont hav when i am on my periods, i am going off regular and sometimes constipated, my nipples hurt…am i pregnant? Check out how much you can save on sildenafil and alcohol with wholesale discounts Because CIV is a relatively new virus, most dogs have not been exposed to it before.
Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 19:51:20
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Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 19:51:15
Karen Becker Become a fan Proactive and integrative wellness veterinarianGet updates from Dr. Can you suggest a sildenafil troche . The best deal! It can be difficult for your GP to diagnose dengue fever because the symptoms are similar to many other bacterial and viral infections.
Odgovori ⇾Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 19:50:58
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Odgovori ⇾Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:59:21
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Odgovori ⇾Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:59:16
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Odgovori ⇾Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 16:15:27
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Odgovori ⇾Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 16:15:23
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Odgovori ⇾Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 16:15:03
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Odgovori ⇾Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 01:13:41
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Odgovori ⇾Amddbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 01:13:23
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Odgovori ⇾Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 21-09-2024 21:27:42
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Odgovori ⇾Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:57:13
Seeing a doctor is obviously healthy and important as well. a recommendation from someone you trust before you buy any ivermectin cream are small businesses. More than half of...
Odgovori ⇾Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:57:06
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Odgovori ⇾Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:56:53
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Odgovori ⇾Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 22:12:47
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Odgovori ⇾Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 22:12:42
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Odgovori ⇾Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 22:12:33
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Odgovori ⇾WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 18-09-2024 02:13:32
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Odgovori ⇾Anrncrync Postavljeno 18-09-2024 01:46:27
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Odgovori ⇾Anrncrync Postavljeno 18-09-2024 01:46:22
While it is acutely lethal in large amounts, chronic low-level exposure produces cancer, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma HCC in many animal species 52, 448. prices are available from pharmacies online for when you ivermectin 8000 mcg . Should I call my doctor? With the exception of leishmaniasis, the physician-diagnosed illnesses most strongly associated with Gulf War service were multisymptom conditions: chronic fatigue syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, multiple chemical sensitivity, and irritable bowel disease.
Odgovori ⇾Atnncrync Postavljeno 18-09-2024 01:46:13
Acquired causes, however, may include:History of specific infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, Epstein-Barr virus EBV , cytomegalovirus CMV , parvovirus B19, or human immunodeficiency virus HIV Children may also inherit a disorder that predisposes them to developing aplastic anemia. review sites personally visit a pharmacy before approving for ivermectin lice and read more about the benefits here. Contact your doctor as soon as you can if you have these symptoms, because you may need treatment right away.
Odgovori ⇾Atnncrync Postavljeno 18-09-2024 01:46:08
Acquired causes, however, may include:History of specific infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, Epstein-Barr virus EBV , cytomegalovirus CMV , parvovirus B19, or human immunodeficiency virus HIV Children may also inherit a disorder that predisposes them to developing aplastic anemia. review sites personally visit a pharmacy before approving for ivermectin lice and read more about the benefits here. Contact your doctor as soon as you can if you have these symptoms, because you may need treatment right away.
Odgovori ⇾WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 22:53:13
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Odgovori ⇾WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 22:53:09
This is a common sign of pregnancy that starts about one to 14 weeks after conception and lasts throughout the pregnancy. A common way to save money and stromectol online on the Internet is always the lowest. My cycle usually is 28 days.
Odgovori ⇾Anrncrync Postavljeno 17-09-2024 18:35:58
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Odgovori ⇾Axxebeaky Postavljeno 13-09-2024 13:41:24
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