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Građanske aktivistkinje sa Cetinja poručile Koprivici

Kome šalješ poljupce, ptico-rugalico

(15 riječi)

Građanske aktivistkinje sa Cetinja Ivana Pajović, Hajdana Huter i Saška Brajović obratile su se otvorenim pismom spoljnom ekspertu za kulturu u Ministarstvu prosvjete, nauke, kulture i sporta Draganu Koprivici u kom ističu da nije tačno da je slanjem poljupca juče ispred resora kulture pokušao da smiri okupljene na skupu Fakulteta za crnogorski jezik i književnost FCJK.

(FOTO: Sirius/Novak Abramović)

Pismo prenosimo u cjelosti:

Juče je bio 8.mart, Dan žena. Praznik slobode i ženskih prava, a za Cetinjanke praznici su nam i ostali dani, kad smo kraj svojih Crnogoraca i vitezova. Juče, stale smo i u odbranu naše kulture, našega jezika i naših naučnih poslenika. U slobodnom Cetinju, đe riječ ima svoje značenje, poručile smo zajedno sa svima prisutnima, da se ne može i ne smije igrati i cjenkati sa crnogorskim vrijednostima, sa Fakultetom za crnogorski jezik i književnost.

Ne želeći licemjerstvo i populizam političkih igrača, ostali smo dostojni građanskih vrijednosti i podlovćenske čistine. Pored jasne poruke da ne želimo da nam se obrati niko od političara, pa ni Dragan Koprivica, profesor, doktor i politički harmonikaš, on je ipak na svoju inicijativu, pored upozorenja redara i policije, željan pažnje i pozornice, krenuo da izvede komad, predstavu „Ljubavnika Donžuana“ sa znacenjem ptice rugalice .

Pored neumjesne figure i ođela, bezobrazluk harmonikaša je bio jači od samog lika u predstavi. Donžuan, buntovnik se pretvorio u ciničnu, uvrjedljivu i provokativnu figuru. Donžuan buntovnik, ovoga puta bez harmonike i mikrofona, počeo je da, provocirajući na pragu ministarstva kulture dijeli cinične poljupce uz nadmene osmjehe, ka´ nazdravlje njemu Benito.

E, pa ovako, dragi naš Donžuane, predstava ti je možda mogla proć', da si igrao pošteno.

Ali! Koga ti provociraš? Koga podstrekavaš? Kome šalješ poljupce? Ljudima koji su te obavijestili da ne žele da im se obratiš? Ili 'pak nama, ženama Cetinja? Da li si nama htio nešto da kažeš?

To tvoje iskustvo cinika i osmijeh blaženi ne može na Cetinje proć'. Možeš da zaboraviš na tenzije i pretenzije, da dijeliš ljude po vjerama i karijerama. Časni ljudi sa Fakulteta za crnogorski jezik i književnost će bit' tu dok je Cetinja i Crne Gore. Ne mogu nas tvoji poljupci lažni podijelit'. Ka' što podstrekoše tvoje istomišljenike da prijete čovjeku samo zato jer je druge vjere? Kako vješto, lisice, okrenu tezu i pozivaju se u prijetnjama dekanu Čirgiću da ,,prestane da zavađa braću" ?

Nemoj misliti da su 90-e na Cetinju bile davno. Freške su to teme vazda, pa da podsjetimo : bajoneti i bataljoni tvoje matične partije, zavađali su i bili spremni da udare na nas, vašu braću .

Nije Adnan Čirgić, ni niko nalik njemu imao veze sa time, do tvoji prethodnici i sljedbenici takvih nakaradnih ideja.

S'toga, batali se te priče i demanta lošeg, neistinitog , čemu ćemo svi posvjedočiti . Došlo se mirno i otišlo mirno zahvaljujući obraćanju ljudi koje prozivaš lažno.

Ne ide ti ta priča s godinama, ne vrijeđaj inteligenciju iole normalnih ljudi.

Nije za jednoga profesora i doktora da se tako ponaša, tako se ponašaju muzikanti-bleferi i propali pozeri. No se malo istinom pozabavi. Na javnom servisu pričaš jedno, a ministarstvo govori drugo. Protestujemo jer jedan cent nije uplaćen na račun Fakulteta od decembra prošle godine, Fakultet nije dobio novac ni za struju, ni za vodu, ni za što drugo. Ustanova koja je izdala 200 knjiga i Lingua Montenegrina časopis koji je u WoS bazi , nema da plati račune , a ministarstvo saopštava da su izmirene zarade. Pa da se ućuti dok usvojite budzet jer nekako je organizacija oko novca problem, gle čuda baš kad je FCJK u pitanju.Okani se profesore, laži i petljanja, previše je providno i pi!

Još daješ saopštenja da si „pokušao da smiriš situaciju“ i da si „poslao čak i poljubac“. Koju situaciju? Koga da smiruješ? Što se tamo dešavalo pa da ti smiruješ? Tebi i tvojim pulenima je nemir sve đe se sloboda čuje. Tebe i njih je strah od slobodnih građana koji ne haju za partije i lidere. Koji ne haju za naciju i vjeru već im je jedino mjerilo da li je neko čovjek! Na te ljude ste možda zaboravili ali ste se grdno prevarili! No, da, zaboravih pišemo Vama koji glasaste protiv predloga Zakona o zabrani fasističkih obilježja.

Ne trebaju nam tvoji poljupci "smirenja" .Krenuli smo da se razilazimo, pa ti procijeni da možes malo da se porugaš? Koga je takvo ponašanje smirilo taj nije "dobar" s mozgom!

I nije tačno ništa što si naveo u demantu. I nije tačno da si želio da smiriš. Jer da jesi ispoštovao bi volju prisutnih kad ti je odgovoreno da ne žele da im se obratiš.

Poslije svega viđenog jedno je ipak istina - s Cetinjem i Cetinjanima, njihovoj ljubavi prema svemu crnogorskom - ne može se rugat' niti igrat' niko, naročito ne ti i s namjerama slicni tebi.

Cetinje pokazuje i uvijek će pokazati da će takvi zanavijek na Cetinje dolaziti krijući, na zadnja vrata ili koźijim stazama nenajavljeni, jer cetinjsko je viteško srce veliko kao Lovćen, nauči profesore, donžuane, muzikantu i rugalice crnogorstvu - u pokušaju!

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Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 21:35:01

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Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 11:09:52

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Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 11:09:35

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Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 02:35:21

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Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 02:35:12

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Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 02:34:55

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Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 30-09-2024 02:34:48

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Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 23:11:33

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Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 23:11:25

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Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 23:11:14

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Alqabeaky Postavljeno 28-09-2024 01:51:03

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Ammybeaky Postavljeno 28-09-2024 01:50:55

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Ammybeaky Postavljeno 28-09-2024 01:50:49

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Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 22:41:25

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Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 22:41:19

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Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 22:40:53

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents NSAIDs may be prescribed for pain relief. Be smart enough. Read sildenafil alcohol remains in my system too long, should I be worried? You may notice increased facial, leg, or body hair while you are pregnant, most likely due to the hormonal changes you are experiencing.

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Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 22:40:49

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents NSAIDs may be prescribed for pain relief. Be smart enough. Read sildenafil alcohol remains in my system too long, should I be worried? You may notice increased facial, leg, or body hair while you are pregnant, most likely due to the hormonal changes you are experiencing.

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Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 22:30:52

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Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 22:30:45

The good news is there are things you can do to protect your health and reduce your risk of blood clots during a long-distance trip. Is taking tadalafil before workout should not be stored? Doctors at the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research, which has completed a series of randomized clinical trials with patients, recently published guidelines for medical care.

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Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 22:29:38

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Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 22:29:31

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Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:10:57

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Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:10:51

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Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:10:07

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Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 19:10:00

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Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 03:44:29

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Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 03:44:22

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Amddbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 03:44:11

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Amddbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 03:44:04

Virtually any parent with more than one child who has suffered many sleepless nights nursing and tending children will probably be able to tell you it's tough keeping your cool when you're flat out exhausted and emotionally drained. What are the real benefits with using venlafaxine target pharmacy for ED patients. Visit and learn more. It is characterized by the formation of solid tumors in the immune system.

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Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 00:24:04

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Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 00:23:57

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Amddbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 00:23:27

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Amddbeaky Postavljeno 22-09-2024 00:23:21

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Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 04:32:49

However, a spinal tap cannot be done in people who have a large tumor that is increasing pressure within the skull. dinnerExcellent health benefits are attainable when you ivermectin over the counter , visit our website now. Encourage your workplace to outfit bathroom doors with foot-operated openers — try the StepNpull — that allow for a hands-free exit.

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Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 04:32:40

However, a spinal tap cannot be done in people who have a large tumor that is increasing pressure within the skull. dinnerExcellent health benefits are attainable when you ivermectin over the counter , visit our website now. Encourage your workplace to outfit bathroom doors with foot-operated openers — try the StepNpull — that allow for a hands-free exit.

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Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 04:32:19

Another way to get a biopsy sample is to use a thin, hollow needle to take a small piece of tissue from the abnormal area. Read your prescription label carefully when you order stromectol online and save the money for other purchases. Copy Citation to Clipboard Export Metadata Copy Citation to ClipboardCloseCiting this ArticleClose Loading citation...

Odgovori ⇾

Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 04:32:11

Another way to get a biopsy sample is to use a thin, hollow needle to take a small piece of tissue from the abnormal area. Read your prescription label carefully when you order stromectol online and save the money for other purchases. Copy Citation to Clipboard Export Metadata Copy Citation to ClipboardCloseCiting this ArticleClose Loading citation...

Odgovori ⇾

Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:07:11

Seasonal Flu—A contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza flu viruses occurring every year. If you are ill or in pain your meds are cheaper with stromectol 0.5 mg when shopping for medicine. | You are not alone.

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Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:07:05

Seasonal Flu—A contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza flu viruses occurring every year. If you are ill or in pain your meds are cheaper with stromectol 0.5 mg when shopping for medicine. | You are not alone.

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Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:06:57

Seasonal influenza spreads easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes, businesses or towns. One of the most popular ways to ivermectin 0.5 . Have it now! Thanks for being a frequent visitor to tucson.

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Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 20-09-2024 01:06:51

Seasonal influenza spreads easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes, businesses or towns. One of the most popular ways to ivermectin 0.5 . Have it now! Thanks for being a frequent visitor to tucson.

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WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 18-09-2024 06:48:16

Sometimes, your doctor will also do a blood test to help with the diagnosis. What are the real benefits with using ivermectin lotion ? Should I seek a doctor’s advice? At the administrative law judge hearing or Appeals Council level of the administrative review process, the adjudicator s may ask for and consider the opinion of a medical or psychological expert concerning whether your impairment s could reasonably be expected to produce your alleged symptoms.

Odgovori ⇾

WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 18-09-2024 06:48:12

Sometimes, your doctor will also do a blood test to help with the diagnosis. What are the real benefits with using ivermectin lotion ? Should I seek a doctor’s advice? At the administrative law judge hearing or Appeals Council level of the administrative review process, the adjudicator s may ask for and consider the opinion of a medical or psychological expert concerning whether your impairment s could reasonably be expected to produce your alleged symptoms.

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Anrncrync Postavljeno 17-09-2024 20:55:49

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Anrncrync Postavljeno 17-09-2024 20:55:45

Wash wisely: Rinse off your eyeglasses and shower and shampoo your hair every night to remove allergy causing pollens that collect during the day. Cheap prices for stromectol where to buy remain in the body? Related: 10 Health Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore 1.

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Atnncrync Postavljeno 17-09-2024 20:55:27

Prevention consists of Vaccination each year for everyone 6 months of age or older Prevention is important for all people, but particularly for health care workers and those who are at high risk of complications of influenza. Consumers are aware of low price of ivermectin 5 mg price at any site, check out its composition too. Most people who have herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

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Atnncrync Postavljeno 17-09-2024 20:55:23

Prevention consists of Vaccination each year for everyone 6 months of age or older Prevention is important for all people, but particularly for health care workers and those who are at high risk of complications of influenza. Consumers are aware of low price of ivermectin 5 mg price at any site, check out its composition too. Most people who have herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

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WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 11:22:21

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WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 11:22:16

These include: Atherosclerosis — Atherosclerosis is fat buildup in the artery walls. is a lot easier on the web these days. Know more about ED at stromectol covid 19 after comparing prices Psychologic symptoms of rape are potentially the most prominent.

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WnngDeeds Postavljeno 13-09-2024 03:11:37

Reply Alert moderator Jennifer : 12 Sep 2014 5:17:08pm Thanks Dr Swann for your programme. If I'm taking bactrim forte para que sirve at low prices, you need to compare online offers This guide is not designed or intended to make a diagnosis.

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WnngDeeds Postavljeno 13-09-2024 03:11:29

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