Iz istorije durmitorskog turizma
Kad su partizani i Tito bili reklama

Turistička propaganda, reklama ili marketing, svejedno koji naziv koristili, nezaobilazan je dio turističkog poslovanja. I ova oblast se mijenjala i prilagođavala svim promjenama u društvu i državi. Osamdesete godine prošlog vijeka bile su zlatne godine crnogorskog turizma. Turističkoj propagandi i informisanosti turista i tada je posvećivana velika pažnja. Razne prospekte, turističke mape, štampane vodiče pripremali su najbolji stručnjaci iz oblasti turizma.
Međutim, ni u turističkom marketingu nije se moglo bez politike, u skladu sa uvjerenjem da turizam nije samo ekonomska grana, nego i svojevrsno ogledalo društvenog sistema zemlje. Trebalo je turistima, manje ili više skriveno, ponuditi i političko-propagandnu informaciju. Ali, neki izdavači turističkih vodiča baš su pretjerali, čak i za ono
vrijeme. Tako je Turistički vodič iz 1984.godine, čiji je izdavač bio Nacionalni park “Durmitor” na Žabljaku nosio naziv, ni manje, ni više, nego „Durmitorska partizanska republika“. Urađen je u okviru Biblioteke „Spomenici revolucije“, autor teksta je Gojko Jokić, a u drugom izdanju imao je tiraž od 20 hiljada primjeraka. Pored Nacionalnog parka “Durmitor”, kako piše na koricama vodiča, koji je ustvari štampan kao mala knjiga ili knjižica, izdavač je bila i Turistička štampa iz Beograda.
Na prvoj strani, odnosno, koricama ovog vodiča je fotografija Spomenik palim borcima koji se nalazi na Žabljaku a „uvod“ je fotografija Josipa Broza Tita, snimljena na Žabljaku prilikom njegovog boravka avgusta 1970.godine.
Sa njim na slici su supruga Jovanka, Vidoje Žarković i Veselin Đuranović, a ispod fotografije je dio Titovog izlaganja na Žabljaku prilikom te posjete.
Fotografija Crnog jezera, dragulja Durmitora je na poslednjoj strani, odnosno, na zadnjim koricama.
U Vodiču koji je imao 31 stranu, 21 je posvećena Narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi na ovom području ,a najaviše teksta dato je Durmitorskoj partizanskoj republici, u periodu od oktobra 1941.do juna 1942.godine, kada je taj kraj bio slobodna teritorija.
Tito sa Veselinom Đuranovićem i Vidojem Žarkovićem na mostu na Tari
U Vodiču detaljno je prikazana i organizacija tadašnje vlasti i vojnih jedinica u ratnim uslovima, ratnoj bolnici, Titovom boravku na Žabljaku za vrijeme rata. Zatim slijedi naziv spomenika NOB i mjesta gdje se nalaze, kao i kulturno istorijskih spmenika koji se takođe nalaze na ovom području, kratka informacija o ranijoj istoriji ovoga
kraja, aktivnostima Komunističke partije između dva svjetska rata.
Poslije priča o ratovanjima i zaslugama NOB i partizana, na (pre)ostalih deset strana su tekstovi o Nacionalnom parku Durmitor, prirodnim ljepotama Durmitora, njegovim vrhovima, jezerima, rijekama.
Na kraju ovog turističkog vodiča su informacije o hotelima, motelima, bungalovima, kampovima sa brojevima telefona.Takođe su dati i brojevi telefona tadašnjih najvažnijih organizacija na Žabljaku koje mogu zatrebati turistima -pošte, apoteke, banke, milicije, Opštine Žabljak, zdravstvene stanice, benzinske pumpe.
Navedene su i kratke informacije o mogućnostima izleta, ribolova, uslugama Nacionalnog parka Durmitor, nabavci suvenira. Tako je nekad bilo. Da li je to bilo zanimljivo turistima, po svemu sudeći, niko ih nije ni pitao. Moguće je da su naručioci i autori pomenutog Vodiča rukovodili time šta turisti treba da znaju o žabljačkom kraju, a ljepote će i sami vidjeti. Njih ne treba ni reklamirati. A, ruku na srce, i turisti su bili drugačiji od današnjih.
308 Komentara
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 14:44:50
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 02-10-2024 14:44:46
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Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 09:39:05
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Odgovori ⇾Agbcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 09:39:00
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Odgovori ⇾Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 09:38:54
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Odgovori ⇾Afsdcrync Postavljeno 01-10-2024 09:38:49
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Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 15:54:47
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Odgovori ⇾Arnvbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 15:54:43
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 15:54:35
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Odgovori ⇾Arnfbeaky Postavljeno 29-09-2024 15:54:30
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Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 15:56:06
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Odgovori ⇾Alqabeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 15:56:03
More about Diabetes Online Diagnosis Self Diagnosis Pitfalls Pitfalls of Online Diagnosis Symptoms of the Silent Killer Diseases Lesser known silent killer diseases Books on signs and symptoms Full list of premium articles on symptoms and diagnosis The symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Diabetes. If a pharmacy offers sildenafil dose for pulmonary hypertension simply because it is inexpensive and produces results you want In some places women can get Misoprostol from their local pharmacies but in many countries women have trouble getting the medicines.
Odgovori ⇾Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 15:55:49
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Odgovori ⇾Ammybeaky Postavljeno 27-09-2024 15:55:46
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Odgovori ⇾Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 12:14:32
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Odgovori ⇾Azzwbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 12:14:29
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Odgovori ⇾Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 12:13:48
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Odgovori ⇾Aemmbeaky Postavljeno 25-09-2024 12:13:44
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Odgovori ⇾Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 21-09-2024 17:19:47
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Odgovori ⇾Aoolbeaky Postavljeno 21-09-2024 17:19:42
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Odgovori ⇾Amddbeaky Postavljeno 21-09-2024 17:19:22
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Odgovori ⇾Amddbeaky Postavljeno 21-09-2024 17:19:18
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Odgovori ⇾Arrgbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 18:08:16
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Odgovori ⇾Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 18:07:54
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Odgovori ⇾Arnnbeaky Postavljeno 19-09-2024 18:07:51
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Odgovori ⇾WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 18:00:50
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Odgovori ⇾WbyuDeeds Postavljeno 17-09-2024 18:00:47
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Odgovori ⇾WnngDeeds Postavljeno 13-09-2024 10:34:15
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Odgovori ⇾Axxebeaky Postavljeno 13-09-2024 10:28:30
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Odgovori ⇾Axxebeaky Postavljeno 13-09-2024 10:28:26
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Odgovori ⇾Anvtfcrync Postavljeno 11-09-2024 23:03:10
Simply enter your first name and email below for private access to the LIVE broadcasts starting March 30th. Take off problems of erection. Follow this link price of stromectol when shopping for medicine. | Back to top Who should get flu vaccine and when?
Odgovori ⇾WcrfDeeds Postavljeno 11-09-2024 12:36:18
It is generally recommended that women begin with the least invasive option, which would be lifestyle changes. Figure out the best treatment pricing for prescriptions of lexapro indications products online? Will it be real or generic? Nasal symptoms, including both a runny nose and congestion, are often the next common cold symptoms to develop, peaking during the third and fourth days.
Odgovori ⇾WcrfDeeds Postavljeno 11-09-2024 12:36:14
It is generally recommended that women begin with the least invasive option, which would be lifestyle changes. Figure out the best treatment pricing for prescriptions of lexapro indications products online? Will it be real or generic? Nasal symptoms, including both a runny nose and congestion, are often the next common cold symptoms to develop, peaking during the third and fourth days.
Odgovori ⇾Antnbeaky Postavljeno 11-09-2024 12:23:01
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Odgovori ⇾Antnbeaky Postavljeno 11-09-2024 12:22:57
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Odgovori ⇾Ancrbeaky Postavljeno 07-09-2024 03:37:29
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Odgovori ⇾WnenDeeds Postavljeno 31-08-2024 16:03:26
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Odgovori ⇾Angdbeaky Postavljeno 31-08-2024 15:51:30
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Odgovori ⇾Angdbeaky Postavljeno 31-08-2024 15:51:26
If it was a problem that people could see there would be more understanding and empathy. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you are buying how long is cephalexin good for . The best deal! Signs and symptoms include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and fever which usually resolve in seven to ten days, with some symptoms lasting up to three weeks.
Odgovori ⇾Anrhcrync Postavljeno 31-08-2024 09:41:22
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Odgovori ⇾Agfnvcrync Postavljeno 31-08-2024 09:40:56
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Odgovori ⇾Agfnvcrync Postavljeno 31-08-2024 09:40:51
Women who get migraines during their menstrual periods typically find relief during pregnancy and after menopause. High quality service and low prices for is keflex good for sinus infection to get low prices for this effective treatment Therefore, patients with asthma, chronic cough, or laryngitis should have careful evaluation for non-GERD causes.
Odgovori ⇾WnwfDeeds Postavljeno 27-08-2024 17:54:40
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Odgovori ⇾WnwfDeeds Postavljeno 27-08-2024 17:54:36
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Odgovori ⇾Anedbeaky Postavljeno 27-08-2024 17:45:38
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Odgovori ⇾Anedbeaky Postavljeno 27-08-2024 17:45:34
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Odgovori ⇾Angkcrync Postavljeno 27-08-2024 12:07:28
The hormone erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production and sends a message to the bone marrow to increase production when oxygen levels in the body are low. When seeking a highly effective remedy, you always want to flagyl generic name to deliver as it promises? Click Croup Starts with cold symptoms runny nose and fever , then inflames the upper airways, voice box, and windpipe resulting in sudden harsh, barking cough like a seal or hoarseness often at night.
Odgovori ⇾Angkcrync Postavljeno 27-08-2024 12:07:25
The hormone erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production and sends a message to the bone marrow to increase production when oxygen levels in the body are low. When seeking a highly effective remedy, you always want to flagyl generic name to deliver as it promises? Click Croup Starts with cold symptoms runny nose and fever , then inflames the upper airways, voice box, and windpipe resulting in sudden harsh, barking cough like a seal or hoarseness often at night.
Odgovori ⇾Agnvcrync Postavljeno 27-08-2024 12:07:12
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Odgovori ⇾Agnvcrync Postavljeno 27-08-2024 12:07:09
Read more Pre-eclampsia A condition that develops during pregnancy and can cause serious health problems if... Is there a way to compare generic valtrex deals here. Useful linksNHS Choices linksCognitive behavioural therapy CBT videoDepressionInsomniaWhy am I tired all the time?
Odgovori ⇾WguuDeeds Postavljeno 14-08-2024 21:26:43
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Odgovori ⇾Axxzbeaky Postavljeno 14-08-2024 21:19:18
These studies are still in very early stages, but researchers predict that there will be major advances in these fields in the coming years. Life is meaningful again at prednisone para que sirve too? Reward a child's efforts.
Odgovori ⇾Axxzbeaky Postavljeno 14-08-2024 21:18:26
These studies are still in very early stages, but researchers predict that there will be major advances in these fields in the coming years. Life is meaningful again at prednisone para que sirve too? Reward a child's efforts.
Odgovori ⇾Aoolcrync Postavljeno 14-08-2024 20:35:20
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